Thursday, 21 July 2011

Pittenweem Arts Festival 2011

'Warm Shallows'   Lynn McGregor

First of all, sincere thanks to those who have posted/emailed/messaged their concern since Tuesday's post: it's a little early to tell the final outcome, but indications are that faith in humanity will survive, dented but intact. Eddie helped of course..

'Sun Setting'   Lynn McGregor

Now. Pittenweem Arts Festival, and various summer exhibitions, are almost upon us. We always enjoy Pittenweem because Lynn was born and brought up there and most of her family live in the area. Lynn's paintings this year are extraordinary, and if that sounds partisan I just know that I won't be the last person to say it. As usual, most pieces are 'of the sea', reflecting the fact that her studio is just ten feet from the water's edge; but there is a life and depth about the work which goes beyond her immediate environment and into the realms of human sensibilities. Lynn has always said that she tries to capture her own emotional response to landscape, and to evoke a similar response in the viewer; and if that is the criteria I would say, job done.

'Shore Weed, Islandmore'   Lynn McGregor

Lynn McGregor RSW, Venue 22, Pittenweem Arts Festival: Saturday 6th to Sunday 14th August 2011. Preview evening, Friday 5th August, 7-9pm.
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