Friday, 8 April 2011

The incredible journey (the journey, not the movie)

In one of nature's great feats of navigation, endurance and timing, the first terns arrived back in Ringhaddy Sound yesterday, after a round trip of 8 - 10,000 miles - amazingly enough, last spring we saw the first bird on the same date, 7th April, and two years ago it was 11th. Since they left Strangford Lough in late September, they have been to S.Africa or The Antacrtic, depending (largely but not entirely) on species - Common or Arctic. All summer, they put on mesmerising displays of agility, elegance and of course diving prowess right in front of the cabin.

I should have added at the beginning that they are also one of nature's great distractions, or inspirations, to writers and artists according to mood.
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