Wednesday 24 November 2010

Oz: Around Australia on a Triumph

Tonight we attended the launch of our friend Geoff Hill's latest travel book, co-written with fellow journalist Colin O'Carroll and telling the story of the pair's epic adventure from Adelaide to Adelaide on a pair of Triumph motorcycles in spring of this year. The photograph is of Geoff with his mum Sadie and her now traditional launch party cake - a tour de force designed around the book itself.

The book is called Oz - around Australia on a Triumph, and has the same 'pick me up' look and feel as Geoff's earlier travel books.

I followed the Adelaide Adventure blog during their trip, so I know that Colin and Geoff share a sense of humour, a distinctly off-beat view of the world and a great deal of talent, and I'm really looking forward to the read. Inscribed copies of the book have already taken care of three Christmas presents and I'm sure there will be more.

This time there was a film crew on hand and the DVD is due to be released in January 2011, a documentary to follow in due course.

I didn't want to burst his balloon tonight, but I still see Geoff's Australian road trip as something of a warm-up for the real thing, to take place on Islandmore in the future, date as yet unspecified. Watch this space..
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